Thursday, 6 April 2017

Here's a joke about Corbyn

One day, Corbyn decides he has had enough of people decrying his capabilities, so he decides to demonstrate his powers to the world.

He organises a press conference, and in front of everyone, gets to the podium, clears his throat and announces that the next day, he will walk on water, across the Thames.

The media goes nuts, the Mail and the Express call him blasphemous, the Sun would too, only they don't know how to spell it so instead they just scoff at him, the Guardian says the LibDems would do it better given the chance, the Guardian thinks that Blair should be the one to do it, the Tories openly sneer but are secretly worried. Corbyn ignores them all, and just repeats that yes, he will indeed walk on water.

The next day, Corbyn arrives by the Thames, goes down to water level, removes his shoes, rolls his socks inside the shoes, rolls up his trouser legs, steps forward to the water, and calmly steps on the water, and crosses the Thames, in front of the astonished crowds and the rest of the world.

The next day, the Daily Mail's front page screams: "EXCLUSIVE!!! Corbyn can't even swim!!!"

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