Monday, 3 February 2014

NHS Records for sale, opt-out NOW

Contrary to what the above logo says, the NHS is not only for sale, it has already been sold.  The figures are scary, and it's only the start. If you are interested into what's happening to our Health Services under our very noses, it won't take much of an Internet search to find out.

But this isn't the topic I want to discuss today. Amongst the rest of the dismantling of this august institution, our own data, all of our private information, all our most intimate details, is now going to be sold to private companies for data mining purpose. In theory, it's supposed to be all anonymous and only compiled for statistics, but the reality is somewhat different.

We should have all been sent this leaflet:

through our letterbox, but a lot of people won't even notice it, or if they do, will think it's just another junk mailshot, and even if they read it, how many will realise how sinister its significance? How many will know how to do something about it, or even if they should?

Make no mistake: Under the pernicious Health and Social Care Act 2012, your GP can not refuse to provide the data to these private companies. So, unless YOU tell your GP you do not want your data shared, shared it will be.

I strongly recommend people read this here:

then download and print this letter:

Then just take it to your Surgery and hand it to the receptionist. You can do it for all the members of your family.

WARNING: Data extraction is scheduled to start in March 2014.

If you do not want your confidential medical information scattered all over, 


Please feel free to share these links and/or this blog far and wide across the Internet. 
Me, I'm off to my doctor's to hand over the opt-out forms for me and my family.